| Curriculum Vitae
Efthimios Kouloulas, MD, PhD
Physiatrist, SFEBPRM - Pain Specialist, EDPM,
Medical Director, Rehabilitation Unit "Physiatriki"
Scientific Director, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Dpt, IASO Thessalias
Doctor of Philosophy, Medical School,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Associate Scientist, Rehabilitation Consultant, 2nd Neurosurgery Dpt,
University Hospital of Athens "Attikon"
Former Officer Physician, Captain of the Hellenic Armed Forces
Senior Fellow of European Board of Physical Medicine& Rehabilitation (SFEBPRM)
European Diploma of Pain Medicine (EDPM)
Certified by International Society of Medical Shockwave Treatment (ISMST) and Association for Radial Pain Therapy (ATRAD)
Medical Specialty
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (since 2006)
Senior Fellow of European Board of PRM (SFEBPRM since 2017)
Certified by International Society of Medical Shockwave Treatment (ISMST since 2014 till 2020)
Certified by Association for Radial Pain Therapy (ATRAD since 2009)
Certified for K-Laser, class 4, Advanced medical use by K-Laser USA (since 2014)
European Diploma Pain Medicine (EDPM – 2019)
Current professional position
Medical Director, Rehabilitation Unit "Physiatriki"
Private practice
Associate Scientist, Rehabilitation Consultant, 2nd Neurosurgery Dpt,
University Hospital Attikon, Athens
Scientific Director, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Dpt, IASO Thesallias Hospital
Professional experience
Sept 2017 - till present Scientific Director, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Dpt, IASO THESSALIAS Hospital
Jan 2015 - till present, Founder&Medical Director, Rehabilitation Unit "Physiatriki"
June 2013- till present, Associate Scientist, 2nd Neurosurgery Dpt, University Hospital Attikon, Athens
Oct 2007 - till present, Private practice as a Rehabilitation physician
Nov 2007 - Mar 2013 Medical Director, Apolloneio Rehabilitation Centre
Sept 1991- Aug 2007 Physician officer (captain) of Medical Corps, Hellenic Army Staff, Hellenic Armed Forces as a General Practitioner
Clinical Experience
Chronic Pain management
Spasticity management
Expert in Extracorporal Shockwave Therapy
Regenerative medicine in Rehabilitation field (PRP injections)
Patients with Stroke, TBI, SCI, MS, Parkinson's, THA, TKA, Amputees
Special skills
Experience in health allied personnel management as specially trained for becoming a career physician officer of the Hellenic Army Forces
Experience as a medical director in planning and operating an inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation center (Apolloneio, Greece) from its beginning, directing 80 health allied personnel and 200 inpatients and over 100 outpatients in full development
Education – Basic Training
Sept 1991-1997 - Medical School,Health Sciences Dpt, Aristotele's University
Sept 1991-1997 - Military School Officers Corps (MSOC), Physician of the Medical Corps, Hellenic Army Staff, Hellenic Armed Forces
Sept 2006-Sept 2002 - "ΚΑΤ" General Hospital of Athens, PRM resident
Jun 2005-Aug 2005 - Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC), USA, PRM resident-observership, Amputees rehabilitation, Sports and spine rehabilitation, Chronic Pain management
Sept 2002- Mar 2001- 401 General Army Hospital of Athens, resident of Internal Medicine, Neurology, Orthopaedics
Post residency training
July 2013-August 2013 - 2 month preceptorship in Pain Management, Center of Pain Management, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago(the 1st European PRM physician)
September 2013- EFIC Montescano School for Pain, Neurological Diagnosis, Montescano, Italy
Research areas of interest
PhD thesis in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury patient's functional outcome
Chronic Pain management
Spasticity management
Extracorporal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) and Pain management
Regenerative rehabilitation medicine
Educational Workshops
April 2016 - Workshop in Extracorporal Shock Wave Therapy in PRM, trainer, 20th European Congress of ESPRM, Esthoril, Portugal
February 2016 - Workshop in Regenerative Rehabilitation medicine, "PRP injections in PRM field", lecturer-trainer, 14th National Congress of Hellenic PRM Society, Athens, Greece
December 2015 - Workshop in Extracorporal Shock Wave Therapy in musculoskeletal injuries, Targeted radiofrequency Therapy, trainer, 9th National Congress of the Hellenic Scientific Society of Physical Therapy, Athens, Greece
April 2015 - Workshop in Extracorporal Shock Wave Therapy in musculoskeletal injuries, trainer, 3rd International Congress of Physical Therapy, Thessaloniki, Greece
January 2015 - Workshop in Extracorporal Shock Wave Therapy in musculoskeletal injuries, ulcer healing, bone fractures nonunion, trainer, BTL Company, Thessaloniki, Greece
December 2014 - K -Laser, class 4, Advanced training, Franklin, TN, USA
May 2014 - Workshop in Extracorporal Shock Wave Therapy in musculoskeletal injuries, ulcer healing, bone fractures nonunion, trainer, 19th European Congress of PRM, Marseille, France
July 2013 - Explain Pain course, NOI, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
May 2012- Workshop in Extracorporal Shock Wave Therapy in musculoskeletal injuries, ulcer healing, bone fractures nonunion, trainer, 18th European Congress of PRM, Thessaloniki, Greece
May 2012- Workshop in Introduction in Spinal Procedures, 18th European Congress of PRM, Thessaloniki, Greece
May 2012- Workoshop in Platelet Rich Plasma injections and Prolotherapy, 18th European Congress of PRM, Thessaloniki, Greece
May 2012- Workoshop in Ultrasound guided injections in shoulder, 18th European Congress of PRM, Thessaloniki, Greece
Sept 2011 - Gait analysis and spasticity management, Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Center, Costa Magna, Italy
Apr 2011- Lower amputees rehabilitation Seminar, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, USA
Apr 2011- Stroke interdisciplinary rehabilitation Seminar, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, USA
Jan 2011- Bone metabolic disease seminar, Hellenic Institute of Osteoporosis
Jan 2010 - Diagnostic ultrasound usage in musculoskeletal system, 11th National Congress of the Hellenic PRM Society, Athens
Oct 2009 - Spasticity management with intrathecal continuous mode baclofen pump Seminar, Thessaloniki
May 2006 - Future experts spasticity management with ΒΝΤΑ Seminar, Madrid, Spain
Jul 2006 - Gait and Movement Analysis Seminar, Marseille, France
Mar 2006- Experts meeting in Spasticity management with ΒΝTA, Prague, Chech
Feb 2005 - Advanced seminar in spasticity management with ΒΝΤΑ, Stanfordshire, Stoke on Trend, Un. Kingdom
Jan 2003 - Bone metabolic disease seminar, Hellenic Institute of Osteoporosis
Nov 2001- Experts training in Emergency and Disaster Medicine, General Staff Medical Services– Mudon, Switcherland
Lectures in Congresses - Scientifing meetings
June 2017 – Regenerative rehabilitation medicine in Achille’s tendinopathy with partial rupture: a case report, 20th International Congress of ISMST, San Sebastian, Spain
June 2017 - Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) and peripheral magnetic stimulation (Super Inductive System) promotes healing of tibial fracture non-union unresponsive to conventional therapy: a case report, 20th International Congress of ISMST, San Sebastian, Spain
February 2016 - Rehabilitation in shoulder injuries - 14th National Congress of Hellenic PRM Society, Athens, Greece
June 2015 - Rehabilitation of the diabetic foot, Vascular Department of the University Hospital of Larissa, General Hospital of Volos, Volos, Greece
February 2015 - Functional Rehabilitation in pain management, Annual Seminar of the Hellenic Society of Algology, Greek chapter of IASP
October 2014 - Pain management in spinal cord injured patient, 8th National Congress of Hellenic Spine Society, Larissa, Greece
September 2014 - Explain Pain, Member of the Organising Committee, Lecturer, "Interdisciplinary Scientific meeting in pain management:News and Views",with International participation, Dr Stanos Steven, Athens, Greece
May 2014 - Functional rehabilitation, a biopsychosocial approach. Managing neuropathic pain, from cognitive behavioral interventions, to mirror therapy: a central nervous system approach, "desensitizing" the nervous system, 19th European Congress of PRM, Marseille, France
May 2014 - Explain pain, 10th National Congress of the Hellenic Society of Algology, Greek chapter of IASP
February 2014 - Functional Rehabilitation in pain management, Annual Seminar of the Hellenic Society of Algology, Greek chapter of IASP
December 2013- Explain Pain, 9th National Congress of Hellenic PRM Society, Athens, Greece
October 2013 - What rehabilitation can do for low back pain, 9th EFIC Congress, Florence, Italy
September 2013 - Rehabilitation in the diabetic foot, 13th National Congress of the Hellenic Surgical Infections Society, Larissa, Greece,
May 2013 - Sports Injuries and ESWT, Educational courses, Orthopaedics Dpt, University hospital of Patra
Apr 2013- Rehabilitation structures and legal frame of function, Scientific coordinator - lecturer, Scientific meeting of Hellenic PRM Society, "Rehabilitation structures in the private field", Athens, Greece
Mar 2013 - Rehabilitation in the acute phase in Stroke, Round table, 5th National Congress of Stroke diseases, Thessaloniki, Greece
Feb 2013 - Biopshycosocial model of chronic pain, Round table, scientific meeting of Hellenic PRM Society, "Algology:Interdisciplinary the speech for pain", Athens, Greece
May 2012- Pain and Movement, Member of the Organising Congress Comittee, lecturer, Round table, 18th European Congress of PRM, Thessaloniki, Greece
May 2012- Patient evaluation and refilling procedure in spasticity management using intrathecal baclofen pump, Member of the Organising Congress Comittee, lecturer, Round table, 18th European Congress of PRM, Thessaloniki, Greece
Oct 2011- Pain after Spinal Cord Injury, 12th National Congress of Hellenic PRM Society, Patra, Greece
May 2011, Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain, Interdisciplinary Round table, 38th National Medical Congress, Athens
Sept 2010 - Pathophysiology of chronic pain patient, 8th Meditteranean PRM Congress, Limassol, Cyprus (www.medcongress.prm10.org)
May 2010 – Spasticity management in Stroke patient, 17th European Congress of PRM, Venice, Italy
Jan 2010 – Functional rehabilitation in amputees, Member of the Organising Committee, Lecturer, Scientific meeting with International participation, Prof Kuiken Todd, "Updated approach in amputees rehabilitation", Larissa, Greece
Jan 2010 – Chronic Pain Pathophysiology, Round table, "Rehabilitation of chronic pain patient", 11th National Congress of Hellenic PRM Society, Athens
Oct 2009 – Brachial Plexus injuries, Scientifing meeting of Hellenic PRM Society, "Electromyography", Athens
Mar 2009 – Functional rehabilitation in chronic low back pain patient, Scientifing meeting if Hellenic PRM Society, "Management of low back pain patient", Athens
Oct 2008 – Spasticity management in Stroke, round table, "Spasticity management in patient with Central Nervous System injury", 10th National Congress of Hellenic PRM Society, Athens
Sep 2006 - Therapeutic exercise-muscle strengthening, round table, "Therapeutic exercise", 9th National Congress of Hellenic PRM Society, Nafplio, Greece
Oral presentations in Congresses (main)
Mar 2010 - Prognostic indicators in patients with severe traumatic brain injury and functional outcome, 8th World Congress of Brain Injury, Washington DC, USA,
Jun 2009 - Prognostic indicators in patients with severe traumatic brain injury and functional outcome, 5th World Congress of International Society of PRM, Istabul, Turkey,
Jun 2008 – Complications in patients with severe traumatic brain injury and functional outcome,16th European Congress of PRM, Brugge, Belgium,
May 2006- Laboratoty exams in patients with severe traumatic brain injury and functional outcome, 15th European Congress of PRM, Madrid, Spain (awarded as 3rd best of the congress)
Prognostic value of time related Glasgow Coma Scale components in severe traumatic brain injury: a prospective evaluation with respect to 1 year survival and functional outcome. Kouloulas E, Papadeas A, Michail X, Sakas D, Boviatsis E. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2013,Vol36 (3), pp 260-7
Mirror off the Wall: mirror therapy in the treatment of phantom limbs and phantom limb pain, Casale et all, GIMLE, 2015 accepted, in press
Peripheral application of repetitive pulse magnetic stimulation on joint contracture for mobility restoration: controlled randomized study, E.J.Kouloulas, Int J Physiother. Vol 3 (5), 519-524, Oct 2016
High – Intensity Electromagnetic Stimulation can reduce spasticity in Post Stroke patients. Ondrej Prouza, Efthimios Kouloulas, Dragana Zarkovic, International Journal of Physiotherapy 2018; 5 (3), 87-91
Kouloulas EJ (2018) Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) and Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation (Super Inductive System) Promotes Healing of Tibial Fracture Non-Union Unresponsive to Conventional Therapy: A Case Report. Integr J Orthop Traumatol Volume 1(1): 1–2. DOI: 10.31038/IJOT.1000103
Authorial work
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation in clinical practice, Brotzman Brent, Wilk Kevin, Greek edition, official translation, 2007, pub Konstantaras
Heterotopic ossification in spinal cord disease or injury, Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injured patient, Bakas, 1st ed 2012, pub Konstantaras ISBN: 978-960-6802-36-2
Rehabilitation in patient with Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Chatzigeorgiou, 1st ed 2015, pub Konstantaras ISBN: 978-960-6802-90-4
Member of ISPRM
Senior Fellow of European Board of PRM, (SFEBPRM), member of the Pain and Disability Committee
Member of IASP, Member of EFIC
Member of the American Pain Society (APS)
Member and lecturer of the Hellenic Society of Algology
Member of the Hellenic PRM Society,
Tel: +302410617090 (office) / +
306977321848 (mobile)
W: www.physiatriki.gr
E: info@physiatriki.gr / kouloulas@yahoo.com,
Skype: kouloulas